Finding the time to read often feels like such a luxury. One of my 2010 resolutions was to "make time to read more", and happily I'm slowly working my way through the pile by my bed. Some recent favourites include:

A Lucky Child by Thomas Buergenthal. Simply and beautifully told this is Buergenthal's account of the childhood years he endured in concentration camps. At times heart-breaking, it is an uplifting tale of survival against the odds. And it has an insightful and thought-provoking epilogue.
Bombay Smiles by Jaume Sanllorente
An inspiring tale of how the author came to travel to India on holiday (not his first choice of destination), and went on to rescue an orphanage in the Dhavari slum.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
Set in 1960's Mississippi, this is the story of three women who come together determined to start a movement to change a town. I've just started it and it's looking promising.
e Squared: a novel by Matt Beaumont. Like it's sequel e (published in 2000), e Squared is an increasingly outrageous series of emails and texts that follows the lives of a rambunctious London ad agency. It is hilarious!
I still have a few more in the pile, including these two. Has anyone read either of them?
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, and The Boy who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba.
I'd love to know what you are reading? Are you a one genre reader, or do you like to mix it up? I confess I like to mix it up and enjoy a good chick-lit novel as much as a more serious tome.
Images from Amazon.
Like you Annie, I love a well written book, be it chick-lit, a history, a novel (no fixed genre, but I always like to read a prize winner of any particluar genre). It just has to engage me completely in it's subject matter or story. I'm currently reading "A Confedarcy of Dunce" by John Kennedy Toole. It is a fantastic novel set in New Orleans, very witty and black.
ReplyDeleteI read your Nicole Krauss book a while back. I liked it a lot. Leo is an especially interesting character. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI really liked A History of Love. I also loved the Steig Larssen series...