Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just because...

...this is so beautiful.

Image from Ann Street Studio.


  1. I've watched her over and over and her motion somehow evokes motionlessness. She is perfectly beautiful.

  2. love this.

    miss you on Fridays! how is is going over on the side;)

    1. I miss you and Emma too! Akiko is great - really encouraging, but it's totally like going up ten levels and is tough at times (no tears yet though :) Irish and I were drenched in sweat after today! Akiko has such a different way of teaching, she's all about getting a good working pace and keeping the horses working - quite a different vibe overall. Irish is loving it as he's not being held back all the time. How's your Friday riding going? Hopefully I get a regular Friday slot once show season is over, and school is back, and then can catch up with you at the barn - I miss our tack room chats :)


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