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February you ever wonder where the days go? We are once again three with R in Germany for a week. The boys and I have hunkered down and between homework and study have been making cookies and watching Narnia. We took a stroll this afternoon and the first tentative signs of spring are appearing...a few brave blossoms and snowdrops can be seen. I do hope you've had a lovely week, and thanks ever so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment - they always make me smile. Here's a muddly what:nots...
Stories of love and serendipity on the streets of New York by Ariel Sabar.
And This Way of Life - a heart-breakingly beautiful documentary about the Karena family and their horses. Espousing a simplicity of life and a recognition of one's place in the world - it's a must-see.
The Narnia books are my absolute favorite. :) And thank you as always for the wonderful weekly roundup. (I can't stop eyeing those anthro pants :)